Mumm 30/ Farr 30 Archive Page

Under Construction

This is my personal Mumm 30 web page. These pages were put together before the Mumm 30 One Design Association had its own National web page or before there was a Chicago web page. The national Mumm 30 web page is and the Chicago web page was The Chicago website no longer exists.

The contents on this page is slanted to the Chicago Area Mumm 30 fleet because I did the majority of my racing in the Chicago Area. I posted the National Mumm 30 results when I could find them.

I am not making any updates to this page. The page is used to archive the 1998 and 1999 race results, the Mumm 30 Association Meeting Minutes from 1995 to 1999, and the first Newsletter, Feb 1999. There is a list of past and present Mumm 30 owners that was last updated in 1999.

The Mumm 30 is now named the Farr 30. It was called a Mumm 30 when I owned it from 1996 to 2003.

Mumm30 Line Drawing